At Dragon’s Breath Acupuncture, Sandy Kerry provides Traditional Chinese Medicinal services such as acupuncture, tuina massage therapy, fire cupping and magnetic cupping therapy, guasha, moxibustion, medical qigong energetic therapy (distance and in person), auricular therapy, electro-acupuncture, and energetic space clearings (both distance and in person).
Medical Qigong Energy Treatments are a great alternative for those who are needle-adverse. This treatment is done fully clothed like tuina. Most treatments consist of the basic treatment protocol combined with various techniques to enhance the treatment based on the diagnosis and what is happening for the client such as the use of invisible needles (energetic needles rather than actual needles), sound healing, colour therapy, and energy balls infused with positive healing messages.
Medical Qigong Therapy is like Reiki however it is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine and therefore utilizes acupuncture points, meridians, energy fields and chakras, imagination, and intention to energetically, emotionally, and spiritually purge negative energy, tonify the meridians and organs and regulate the meridians, organs and three energetic bodies.
Sandy also provides prescriptive medical qigong exercises, meditations, and Chinese dietary therapy which compliments the treatments provided.
Sandy also provides energy healings using gemstones, essential oils, plant essences, channeling and mediumship, space clearing, and treatments for animals specializing in oncology qigong energy treatments for animals and people.
Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture System
The Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture System is a cosmetic procedure that is healthy and based on Traditional Chinese Medicine.
It’s an anti-aging medicine that treats the body from the inside out by treating imbalances within the energetic systems within
the body by using needles to increase the balance of qi (energy) and blood in the face.
Not only do patients get good cosmetic results, but they also get good health results. It’s a non-invasive way to look younger.
Qigong Services
Additional Services
I am able to provide channeling and mediumship readings connecting to loved ones who have passed. I also provide i-Ching readings in order to provide answers to questions that you may have regading the past, present, or future.
Tuina Treatments
Additional Services
I am able to provide channeling and mediumship readings connecting to loved ones who have passed. I also provide i-Ching readings in order to provide answers to questions that you may have regading the past, present, or future.
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If you would like me to write about anything specific please send me a private message and I would be happy to do a newsletter regarding that topic.